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Tuesday Evening Men's League

Two player teams play 9 holes. Alternate 9's. Tee times are from 4:30 to 5:30. Play starts early May and goes thru late August or early September.

Thursday Evening Ladies League

Two player teams play 9 holes. Tee times are from 4:30 to 5:30. Alternate 9"s. Play begins mid May and runs thru the end of August.

Wednesday Evening 2 person Scramble League

Two player teams- alternate 9 holes.  Scramble format.  Tee times are from 4:30- 5:30.  Couples, friends, doesn't matter!  Grab a partner and join in on the fun!  Play begins late May and runs thru August.

Wednesday Men's Fall League

Two player mens scramble league begins play the week after the Mens League regular season ends and usually goes until mid October. Play starts after 3:30pm, alternate 9's each week. Scoring is a modified Stableford Scoring System. Play is rain or shine, if the course is open we play.

League Dues

Each league board determines what the dues will be for their respective leagues. Dues go towards end of season banquet and prizes.


If you'd like to learn more about any of our leagues, send us an email  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will get in touch with you to answer any questions.  

